PETKIT Affiliate Program Agreement

Please notice that this Agreement is entered into by and between you (“Publishers”) and PETKIT Network Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.(“PETKIT”). about the promotion of PETKIT products and services by using the goaffpro affiliate tracking software. Once you click the “I agree to the terms and conditions” button, the Agreement shall be legally binding on you.



PETKIT: refers to PETKIT Network Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., as Party A hereof.

Publishers: refers to the member who voluntarily join the PETKIT Affiliate Program, and agree to promote Party A's products according to this Agreement, also "PETKIT Affiliate", as Party B hereof.

PETKIT Affiliate Program: a member organization that promotes PETKIT products pursuant to this Agreement.

Product(s): the products and accessories sold on PETKIT’s official website.

In addition to the terms and conditions set forth by the Service Provider, Publishers must agree to the following Terms and Conditions in order to participate in our Affiliate Program. We reserve the right to terminate the Publisher, at any time and at our discretion, from participating in the Affiliate Program.



“Campaigns” and unique “Campaign Rules” are defined at the Campaign level of the Affiliate Program and viewable in the Publisher account. PETKIT determines the number of Campaigns and defines the Campaign Rules for each Campaign and reserves the right to change, edit, and alter any and all Campaign Rules at any time, without notice to Publisher other than posting of the revised Campaign Rules in the Affiliate Program platform. It is the responsibility of the Publisher to read, understand and stay up to date on the Campaign Rules. Failure to do so may result in loss of reward or termination of account(s).



Commissions are defined at the Campaign level of the Affiliate Program and viewable in the Publisher account. PETKIT determines the amount of each Campaign Reward and reserves the right to change, edit, alter, and terminate any and all Rewards at any time, without notice to the Publisher.

Qualified and approved commissions are issued around 60 days and be paid via PayPal. The Publisher must have an active PayPal account associated with an email address, which is entered into the PayPal email address field in their Affiliate Program Publisher account to receive commission for adherence to these Terms and Conditions.



In order to qualify for Rewards, each customer referred by Publisher through the Affiliate Program must meet each of the following qualifications: 

Referred customer is not a past or present customer, meaning he or she must not have previously registered a account and/or have previously been a registered customer, including without limitations, under any other names, email addresses or aliases;

Referred customer used Publisher’s unique affiliate link to make a qualified purchase;

Referred customer must not be the Publisher, must hold different identifying information than the Publisher whose unique affiliate link was used to initiate the order, and must not live in same household and/or have the same billing or shipping address of Publisher; 

Referred customer purchased a new, not reconditioned, qualifying product participating in the Affiliate Program, of the latest and most current version and platform;

Referred customer does not cancel or return the purchase.  

A referral and order that meets each of the foregoing conditions is referred to herein as a "Qualified Referral Transaction."

If the referred customer does not click on the Publisher’s affiliate link to make their purchase, Publisher will not receive Rewards and PETKIT has no liability to fulfill the Rewards as there is no discernible way to identify that the purchase resulted from the Publisher’s referral.



We reserve the right to revoke or refuse to issue any Rewards for Qualified Referrals that we, in our sole discretion, suspect were generated through fraud, unauthorized channels and/or other prohibited activities and will be grounds for immediate termination of your Publisher account and exclusion from PETKIT Affiliate Program. Purchases from made through affiliate links that were distributed through an unauthorized channel will not be deemed Qualified Referrals. Any Rewards issued as a result of these transactions will be revoked.

Prohibited activities and unauthorized channels include, but are not limited to:

The unique affiliate link should not be shared to commercial websites (Reddit, etc), personal websites, or coupon websites.

Publishers are strictly prohibited from listing PETKIT or products for sale on the internet, on their own websites, or through other e-commerce platforms including but not limited to Amazon, eBay, Shopee, etc..

Promoting through any use of spam message.

Promoting through search engines (including but not limited to, Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc);

Promoting on third party websites or coupon websites and other similar channels.

Publishers are strictly prohibited from sharing their unique affiliate link alongside any form of official communications, including, but not limited to product profiles maintained by the PETKIT or brands.

Promoting through any use of spam message - Any distribution of your unique affiliate link by means of bulk email and/or means that would be considered unsolicited, commercial, or “spam” email, under any applicable law or regulation, is strictly prohibited.

Publishers are strictly prohibited from creating additional redirects to affiliate links, except under special circumstances when given prior written permission by a PETKIT employee.


Unauthorized Content

Publisher’s promotion channel/promotion content shall not include:

Disseminating obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, murder, terror or abetting crimes; Insulting or slandering another person or infringing upon the legitimate rights of others;

Content that contains racial discrimination or attacks against any individual, group or organization;

Content of prohibited drugs, utensils and weapons;

Content of infringing on the intellectual property rights of others, including but not limited to patent rights, trademark rights and copyrights;

Content that is prohibited by laws and regulations, administrative rules and regulations, publicity of illegal activities or infringing upon the legitimate rights and interests of any people.


Program modification

PETKIT reserves the right to cancel the Affiliate Program or change these Terms & Conditions at any time in its sole discretion. Any unclaimed referral Rewards will be forfeited at that time.


Assumption of Risk

You knowingly and freely assume all risks when using the Affiliate Program. You, on behalf of yourself, your personal representatives, and your heirs, voluntarily agree to release, waive, discharge, hold harmless, defend, and indemnify PETKIT and its stockholders, officers, directors, employees, agents, affiliates, consultants, representatives, successors, etc. from any and all claims, actions, or losses for bodily injury, property damage, wrongful death, emotional distress, loss of privacy, or other damages or harm, whether to you or to third parties, that may result from your use of the Service.



Without limiting any other provision of these Terms & Conditions, PETKIT reserves the right to, at any time, terminate the account(s) of any active Publisher and/or referred customer and to cancel all related Rewards and request proper payment should PETKIT determine, in its sole and absolute discretion, that Publisher has tampered with the Affiliate Program or used or attempted to use the program in an abusive, unethical, unsportsmanlike or otherwise questionable or suspicious manner or Publisher has breached these Terms & Conditions or engaged in fraud, dishonesty, or any other misconduct that causes harm to PETKIT (collectively, “Fraud”). If PETKIT determines that the Publisher has engaged in Fraud, the Publisher will forfeit its entire reward for its account and will be terminated immediately.



Any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this Agreement, or the breach, termination or invalidity of this Agreement or any clause of this Agreement shall be apply to the laws of People’s Republic of China, and referred to the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (“CIETAC"), Shanghai Branch and resolved by arbitration under the arbitration rules of the CIETAC in force at the date of this Agreement.