PETKIT Ltd collects Personal Data and Anonymous Data when you visit our websites or when you send us information or communications. ‘Personal Data’ means data that allows someone to identify you, including, for example, your name, address, telephone and mobile numbers, email address, as well as any information about you that is associated with or linked to, or could be linked to, any of the foregoing data. ‘Anonymous Data’ means data that is not associated with or linked to your Personal Data. Anonymous Data does not permit the identification of individual persons. We collect Personal Data and Anonymous Data as described below.

We collect Personal Data from you, such as your name, contact details, country of residence, zip code or post code, and gender when you place order on one of our sites or when you choose to use the various services like PETKIT Apps we provide. We also collect other types of Personal Data that you provide to us voluntarily, when, for instance, you make a purchase, respond to surveys and questionnaires or enter a competition. If you provide us feedback regarding our sites or services via email, we will collect your name and email address in order to send you a reply.

In order to improve our services to you, we may ask you to voluntarily complete confidential surveys. We do not ask you to provide us any personally identifiable data in association with these surveys, although we do associate your responses with Personal Data. If you do not wish to participate in a survey, however, simply decline to participate when asked.


Cancellation of accounts

You have rights and choices when it comes to your information.

You may cancel your previously registered account through the means set forth in our Platform or by contacting Customer Service. When you contact our customer service at to cancel, we will complete your request within 15 business days.

It's important to note that deleting your account is an irreversible process. After the account is deleted, we will stop providing you with products or services. All content, information, data, and records under or associated with the account will be deleted or anonymized (except in cases required by national laws, regulations, rules, normative documents, government policies, orders, etc. or required to perform our contractual or compliance obligations), you can no longer retrieve, access, obtain, continue to use and retrieve such information or data (even if you register and use the same email address again).

Please back up the above information and data by yourself, otherwise you may not be able to enjoy the relevant after-sales service.


Policy for PETKIT APP

PETKIT Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred to as “Our Privacy Policy”) is offered by PETKIT TECHNOLOGY US LIMITED (hereinafter referred to as “PETKIT”). Address: 100 N HOWARD ST STE R, SPOKANE, WA 99201, UNITED STATES.

Our Privacy Policy will take effect on Dec 11, 2023. We have revamped the Privacy Policy front and back so that from this date onwards, this Privacy Policy will be able to provide details about how we manage the personal information you disclose when using Petkit products and services.
Please take some time to familiarize yourself with our privacy policy, and let us know if you have any questions.

Our promise

This Privacy Policy describes how Petkit Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "Petkit " , "we" or "us") collect, use, disclose, process, and protect the information you provide to us through the Petkit app when using our products or services. If we ask you to provide certain information in order to verify your identity when using Petkit products or services, we will use this information in strict accordance with this Privacy Policy and/or our User Terms and Conditions.
This Privacy Policy was developed with full consideration of your needs taken into account. It is important that you fully understand our personal data collection and usage practices as well as full confidence that ultimately, you have control of any personal information provided to Petkit.
In this Privacy Policy, "personal information" means information that can be used to directly or indirectly identify an individual, either from that information alone or from that information combined with other information Petkit has access about that individual. Such personal information may include but not limit to the information you provide to us or upload, and , device information.
By using Petkit products and services or other acting permitted by the applicable laws, you are deemed to have read, acknowledged and accepted all the provisions stated here in this Privacy Policy, including any changes we make from time to time. In order to comply with applicable laws, e.g. General Data Protection Re-gulation in Europe Union, we will specifically seek prior explicit consent to the particular processing (e.g. auto-mated individual decisionmaking) of special categories of personal data. Furthermore, we are committed to protecting the privacy, confidentiality and security of your personal information by complying with applicable laws, and we are equally committed to ensuring that all our employees and agents uphold these obligations.
We are well aware of the importance of your personal information so that we will take appropriate security measures to protect it in accordance with mature security standards of the industry. Ultimately, what we want is the best for all our users. If you have any questions about the data processing practices summarized in this Privacy Policy, please contact so that we can best see to your needs.We will be happy to address them directly.


What information is collected, and how we use it Types of information collected?

1.Types of information collected

In order to provide our services to you we will ask you for personal information that is necessary for us to successfully provide those services. If you do not provide us with this personal information, we may not be able to provide our products or services to you.
We will only collect the information that is necessary for its specified, explicit and legitimate purposes and not further processed in a manner that is incompatible with those purposes. We may collect the following types of information (which may or may not be personal information):
1.Information you provide to us or upload: Petkit account information (e.g. your security related information, name, birthday, gender), or data you may sync with the device you use to access the Petkit portal, information used to create your account or related to your account setup on the Petkit portal, devices you add or information that you send, and feedback.、

2.If you choose to register or use the Platform using a third-party social network account details (e.g., Facebook, Twitter) or login service, you will provide us or allow to provide us with your username, public profile, and other possible information related to such account.

3.Information related to the handheld device terminal or your SIM card :we may collect information related to the operation of the Petkit handheld device terminal.For example,SDK/API/JS code version, browser, Internet service provider, IP address, platform, timestamp, application identifier, application version, application distribution channel, independent deice identifier, iOS ad identifier (IDFA), Android ad master identifier, network card (MAC) address, and international mobile device identification code (IMEI) The equipment model, the terminal manufacturer, the terminal device operating system version, the session start / stop time, the location of the language, the time zone and the network state (WiFi and so on).
4.Location information (only for specific services/functionalities): various types of information on your location. For example, region, country code, city code, mobile network code,mobile country code, cell identity, district name, longitude and latitude information, time zone settings, language settings.
5.Log information : information related to your use of certain functions, apps and websites. For example, cookies and other anonymous identifier technologies, IP address, network request information, temporary messaging history, standard system logs, and crash information.
6.Other information : environmental characteristics value (ECV) (i.e. value generated from Petkit Account ID, phone device ID, connected Wi-Fi ID and location value).
7.Account credentials : information related to your account credentials. For example, password, associated mailbox.etc.

  1. Storage permission: Part of our services will generate some pictures or videos in the App, which need to be saved to your mobile phone(s), and meanwhile some services need to call the existing videos or pictures in your mobile phone(s) so we will ask you for storage permission.   

9.Permissions for Smart Visualization Devices

(1) When you use a video-enabled device with such functions as video preview, live, and playback, to ensure the best possible experience of the functions and our services, the following information will be asked for collection: the serial number(s) of your device(s), the intranet and extranet IP of your device(s), network type(s), current network status, and the (cellular) operator(s) of your client terminal device(s), client type(s), client version number(s), operating system version(s), the type(s) of operating system, the model number(s) of your device(s), the screen width, height, orientation and density. All the information above is required for the functions mentioned before. In case that you deny the access to the information, we will not be able to provide corresponding services for you.

(2)When you perform video preview and live, we will collect the screenshots of the videos played in your device(s). The screenshots are only used for display to facilitate you to identify the information of surveillance videos, and you can refuse us to collect them through setting private information permissions. If you do so, you will not be able to view the aforementioned screenshots on the home page of surveillance videos, but the preview and replay functions will not be affected. It shall be clear that we do not and are unable to view or use any of your video contents and/or screenshots of videos unless you additionally subscribe a value-added service of video-based analyses and authorize PETKIT App accordingly.

(3)When you perform the function of two-way intercom on smart IoT video-type devices, we will ask you for microphone permission. You can also turn off it through system settings to refuse any collection, which will make you unable to use the function, but will not affect the operation of your hardware device or other functions of PETKIT App.

(4) When you turn on notification function, we will collect the video screenshots taken by your camera as the contents of notifications and push them to you. As an optional feature, you can prevent us from pushing notifications to you by denying the permission, or you can deny this feature by turning off notification permission in device settings.


2.How this personal information can be used

Personal information is collected for providing services and / or products to you, and legal compliance on our part under applicable laws. You hereby consent that we may process and disclose personal information to our affiliated companies (which are in the communications, social media, technology and cloud businesses), Third Party Service Providers (defined below) for the purposes stated in this Privacy Policy.
We may use personal information for the following purposes:
1.Providing, processing, maintaining, improving, and developing our goods and/or services to you, and services provided through your device or by Petkit.
2.Communication with you about your device, service, or any general queries, such as updates, device firmware/software updates, customer support, related information, and notices)
3.Conducting marketing related activities, such as providing marketing and promotional materials and updates. For more information on marketing and promotional activities, please refer to the Direct Marketing section below.
4.Analyzing and developing statistical on use of our products and services to better improve our products and services.
5.Storing and maintaining about you for our business operations or legal obligations.
6.Providing local services without communicating with our servers.

Here are more details on how we use your information (which may include personal information):
1.Setting up your Petkit Account: Personal information collected when creating a Petkit Account or through our mobile devices is used for creating the personal Petkit Account and profile page for the user.
2.Providing location-based services: When using Petkit and accessing Petkit devices, we may use information about your location to determine the time zone of the device. This will ensure that the device accurately displays the correct time and login service area. It will also optimize user experience by providing services such as advance activation of the corresponding device at a time set by the user. You can turn off this feature at any time by going to device settings or by discontinuing your use of this application.
3.Accessing devices: The authenticity of devices that are operated through the app must be verified. We therefore need to confirm the legal identity of the device by consulting the factory MAC and DID information. In addition, in order to connect the device to the network, it will need to be configured through the app. During configuration, you must enter the corresponding Wi-Fi name and password. This information will only be used to connect the device to the network. The Wi-Fi and password data you enter will be encrypted and stored locally on your device; it will not be uploaded to the server. In addition, you can access the device and delete this information at any time. We also need to analyze the device's IP and network signal in order to determine the optimal network connection method. This will ensure the stability of the device network.
4.Display of device status: This allows you to view the status of the device remotely that you can check at any time whether or not the device is running.
5.Setting up automated tasks: The event information reported by your device (this information comes from the device you have added. The specific information that can be set depends on the scope of your privacy authorization for the device. Every added device will provide the Privacy Policy terms for the provider of that device, which you may then choose to agree with) can be used to create your own, personalized automated tasks.
6.Providing push services: Account numbers and IMEI Numbers will also be used for the Petkit push service, which sends device notifications to the user.
7.Verification of user identity:Petkit uses EVC to verify user identities and ensure that hackers or other unverified persons are unable to log in.
8.Collecting user feedback: The feedback you choose to provide is extremely valuable, as it helps us improve the services provided by Petkit. In order to track your feedback, Petkit may use the personal information you provide to contact you and to keep records.
9.Sending notifications: We may occasionally use your personal information to send important notifications, for example, notifications about the status of device malfunctions; your customized device push notifications (which depend on what additional equipment you have purchased); and changes to our terms, conditions, and policies.

10.Provide personalized recommendation or targeted push: based on the personal information you provide to us (such as device information, pet information, order information, etc), we will provide you with personalized promotion content, such as recommending topics that you may be interested in in the pet community's "Recommended topics". If you do not want to receive personalized recommendation content, you can disable personalized recommendation: Select "Mine" - "Settings" - "Privacy" - "Personalized Recommendation". When disabled, you will no longer see recommended content.


3.Your rights and choices

You have rights and choices when it comes to your information. You may be afforded certain rights under applicable laws, which may include the right to access, delete, update, or rectify your data, to be informed of the processing of your data, and potentially other rights.

You can access and edit most of your profile information by signing into PETKIT. You can permanently delete your PETKIT account at any time. Simply follow these steps in PETKIT APP: [Mine] - > [Settings] - >[Account management] - > [Log off an account], and our team will assist you through the process. It's important to note that deleting your account is an irreversible process, which we can't revert even if you perform it by accident. After deletion, your account imfo are deleted from our servers as well as any of your other information we no longer need to operate and provide our Services. Upon your request, delete or anonymize your account info, unless laws and regulations dictate otherwise. You can learn more here about our data deletion and retention practices and about how to delete your account.


4.With whom we share your information?
We do not sell any personal information to third parties.

We may disclose your personal information to third parties (as defined below) in order to provide products or services that you have requested.we also share personal data with vendors or agents working on our behalf for the purposes described in this privacy policy. For example, companies we've hired to provide data analytical services may need collect and access to personal data to provide those functions. In such cases, these companies must abide by our data privacy and security requirements.
In any of the various situations described at the end of the section, you can rest assured that Petkit will only share the personal information in accordance with your consent. Your consent to Petkit will engage sub-processors for the processing of your personal information. Please understand that if, in any of the situations described below, Petkit shares your information with a third-party service provider, Petkit will contractually specify that the third party is subject to practices and obligations to comply with applicable local data protection laws. Petkit will contractually ensure compliance by any Third Party Service Providers with the privacy standards that apply to them in your home jurisdiction.


Sharing with our group and third-party service provider

In order to operate successfully and provide you with the full functionality of our products and services, We may disclose your personal information to other Petkit affiliated companies(these may include communications, social media, technology, or cloud services) or our third-party service providers (our mailing centers, delivery services providers, telecommunications companies, data centers, data storage facilities, customer service providers, advertising and promotional service providers, and agents representing Petkit) affiliated companies and/or other third parties. Such third-party service providers may process your personal information on Petkit's behalf or for one or more of the purposes listed above.. When using certain mobile applications on our devices, we may share your IP address with third parties in order to provide you with some of the services you requested. If you would no longer wish to allow us to share this information, please contact us by sending an email to


Access third-party software development kit (SDK)

In order to adapt to the use of Xiaopei’s pet mobile application and third-party platform services on different mobile devices, to achieve your mobile device identity authentication, mobile device security, receive information pushes, log in to third-party platform accounts, and share information through third-party platforms. The Peipet mobile application is connected to a third-party SDK. The aforementioned third-party SDK providers include mobile phone device manufacturers, social platforms and communication operators. Some third-party SDKs may call your device permissions and obtain your related information so that you can use the corresponding functions normally on different mobile devices or third-party platforms. Different third-party SDKs may call different types of device permissions and information obtained, which may include obtaining your location information, reading/writing your external memory card, reading your mobile phone status and identity, viewing WLAN connection, and searching Running application/Bluetooth. Regarding the specific types of device permissions called by the third-party SDK and how to collect and use your personal information, it is recommended that you refer to the relevant service agreement and privacy policy of the third-party SDK. The following is a detailed description of the third-party SDK:

1.Facebook open platform

Purpose of use: to help users log in with Facebook and use the Facebook sharing function

Privacy policy link:

2.Twitter Open Platform SDK

Purpose of use: access to Twitter open platform SDK, support Twitter authorized login, Twitter sharing

Official website link:

3.VK Share SDK

Purpose of use: access to VK open platform SDK, support VK sharing

Data type: device identification information

Official website link:

4.Bugly SDK

Purpose of use: Crash information collection and analysis

Official website link:

5.Umeng Mobile Statistics SDK

Purpose of use: statistical analysis of the effect of using time

Privacy Policy Link:

Apply for calling permissions: access network status, read mobile phone status and identity, access network, read and write system settings

Mobile phone personal information type: personal equipment information

6.Umeng SDK

Purpose of use: Umeng SDK component library, introduced by "Umeng Mobile Statistics SDK", for statistical analysis of users' use effects

Privacy Policy Link:

Apply for calling permissions: access network status, read mobile phone status and identity, access network, read and write system settings

Mobile phone personal information type: personal equipment information

7.Xiaomi push

Function/Service: Push messages to users who use Xiaomi devices

Official website link:

Privacy policy link:

Apply for calling permission: view WLAN connection; read external memory card; boot up; read mobile phone status and identity; write to external memory card; retrieve running applications

Types of personal information collected: device information; Wi-Fi address; operator information push

Function/Service: Push messages to users who use vivo devices

Official website link:

Privacy policy link:

Apply for calling permission: read external memory card; write to external memory card; retrieve running applications

Types of personal information collected: device information; operator information

9.Meizu push

Function/Service: Push messages to users who use Meizu devices

Official website link:

Privacy Policy Link:

Apply for calling permission: view WLAN connection; read external memory card; read mobile phone status and identity; write to external memory card

Types of personal information collected: device information; Wi-Fi address; operator information


Information not requiring consent

We may share anonymized information in aggregate form with third parties (such as advertisers on our website) for commercial purposes. We may share trends in common usage of our services, for example, the number of customers in a particular group who purchase certain products or engage in certain transactions.
For the avoidance of doubt, Petkit may collect, use, or disclose your personal information without your consent if it is and only to the extent it is allowed explicitly under local data protection laws (to, for example, comply with a subpoena). We may also disclose your information without your consent if we believe in good faith that it must be disclosed in order to protect our rights, your safety, or the safety of others; investigate fraud; or respond to government requests.


Security commitment

Petkit's security measures

  1. We are committed to keeping your personal information secure. In order to prevent unauthorized access, disclosure, or other similar risks, we havewe have put in place reasonable physical, electronic, and managerial procedures to protect the information We collect from you during your use of the Petkit app. We will take all appropriate measures to protect your personal information.For example, When you send information to our home server from your Petkit device or receive information through the same channel, we make sure that it is encrypted using a number of protocols including Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).
    All of your personal information is stored on secure servers and protected in controlled facilities. We classify your data based on importance and sensitivity, and we guarantee that your personal information is always protected by the highest level of security. We also guarantee that employees and third-party service providers who provide products and services to you by accessing this information will be held under strict contractual confidentiality obligationsand may be disciplined or terminated if they fail to meet such obligations. Similarly, we have special access control measures for cloud-based data storage. In summary, we regularly review our information collection, storage, and processing practices, including physical security measures taken in order to prevent any unauthorized access and use.
    We will take all feasible steps to protect your personal information. However, you should be aware that the use of the Internet is not always secure, and therefore we cannot guarantee the security or integrity of any personal information when it is transmitted in both directions over the Internet.
    3.We will take all practicable steps to protect your personal information. You should, however, be aware that the use of the Internet is not entirely secure, and for this reason. Because of this, we cannot guarantee the security or integrity of any personal information which is transferred from you or to you via the Internet.
    We will take upon the personal data breach, notifying the breach to relevant supervisory authority or under some circumstances, notifying the personal data breach to the data subjects by complying with applicable laws, including your local data protection legislation.


What you can do

1.You can play your part in safeguarding your personal information by not disclosing your login password or account information to anybody unless such person is duly authorized by you. When you log into Petkit as a Petkit account user, no matter when, and especially if you are using another person's computer or a public Internet portal, you should always log out at the end of the session.
2.Petkit cannot be held responsible for lapses in security caused by third party accesses to your personal information as a result of your failure to keep your personal information private . Notwithstanding the foregoing, you must immediately notify us if any online users access your account without permission or if any other security breaches occur.
Your assistance will help us better protect your personal information.


Retention policy

We retain information we collect about you as long as it is still needed for the purposes we obtained it or as long as it is needed to comply with applicable legal requirements or permissions. We shall cease to retain personal information, or remove the means by which the personal information can be associated with particular individuals, as soon as it is reasonable to assume that the purpose for which that personal information was collected is no longer being served by retention of the personal information. If further processing is for archiving purposes in the public interest, scientific or historical research purposes or statistical purposes according to the applicable laws, the data can be further retained by Petkit even if the further processing is incompatible with original purposes.


Accessing other features on your device

Our application may need to access certain features on your device, for example, Wi-Fi network status. This information is necessary for these applications to be able to run on your device and for you to be able to interact with them. You can close the application on your device at any time, or you can contact us at to revoke your consent.


Your Right
  1. Turn on or turn off the user experience planning and location access features;
    Log into or log out of your Petkit account;
    3.Access , update, correct, erase or restrict processing;If you previously agreed to let us use your personal information for the purposes described above, you can change your decision at any time by writing us a letter or sending an email to , update, correct, erase or restrict processing your persona information

4.Deleting Your PETKIT Account:You can permanently delete your PETKIT account at any time. Simply follow these steps in PETKIT APP: [Mine] - > [Settings] - >[Account management] - > [Log off an account], and our team will assist you through the process. It's important to note that deleting your account is an irreversible process, which we can't revert even if you perform it by accident. After deletion, your account imfo are deleted from our servers as well as any of your other information we no longer need to operate and provide our Services. Upon your request, delete or anonymize your account info, unless laws and regulations dictate otherwise. You can learn more here about our data deletion and retention practices and about how to delete your account.

5.If you are a Europe Union user under General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR):
you have the right to obtain from us the erasure of your personal information. We shall consider the grounds regarding your erasure request and take reasonable steps, including technical measures, if the grounds apply to GDPR.
you have the right to obtain from us the restriction of processing your personal information. We shall consider the grounds regarding your restriction request. If the grounds apply to GDPR, we shall only process your personal information under applicable circumstances in GDPR and inform you before the restriction of processing is lifted.
you have the right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing, including profiling, which produces legal effects concerning you or similarly significantly affects you.
a structured, commonly used format and transmit the information to another data controller.
Petkit Account can be accessed or changed by using your device to log into your account.
6.Withdrawal of consent:You can submit a request by sending an email to, in which you can request to withdraw your consent for us to collect, use and/or disclose any of your personal information that we hold or control. We will process your submission within a reasonable amount time, after which, we will abide by your request and no longer collect, use, and/or disclose your personal information.Please recognize that your withdrawal of consent may result in some legal consequences. Depending on the extent of your withdrawal of consent for us to process your personal information, it may mean that you will not be able to enjoy Petkit comproducts or services.
6.Transfer of personal information outside of your jurisdiction:To the extent that we need to transfer personal information outside your jurisdiction, whether it is transferred to our affiliates (these may include communications, social media, technology, or cloud services) or to third-party service providers,we shall do so in accordance with the applicable laws. In particular, in order to ensure that all such transfers comply with applicable local data protection law, we will implement appropriate security safeguards. You will have the right to be informed of the appropriate safeguards taken by petkit for this transfer of your personal information. For example, if you choose to use other third-party services available for this product or service (such as Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, etc.), those third parties may be able to read information about you, information about you may also be transferred to a third-party server outside of your jurisdiction, and you agree to this kind of transfer.Petkit is a China-headquartered company operating globally.As such, complying with applicable laws, We may also transfer your personal data to our third party service providers, who may be located in a country or area outside the area of the European Economic Area (EEA).Whenever Petkit shares personal data originating in the EEA with a third party which may or may not be a Petkit entity outside the EEA, we will do so on the basis of EU standard contractual clauses or any other safeguards provided for in the GDPR. For example, if you choose to use other third-party services available for this product or service (such as Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, etc.), those third parties may be able to read information about you, information about you may also be transferred to a third-party server outside of your jurisdiction, and you agree to this kind of transfer.



Privacy Policy updates

We periodically review our Privacy Policy, and we may update it to reflect changes in our information practices. If we make a substantial change to this Privacy Policy, We will notify you by email (using the email address specified in your account), by releasing a notice in the Petkit app, or by contacting you via your mobile device. This will allow you to understand what information we collect and how we use it. These kinds of changes to this Privacy Policy will be effective starting on the date specified in the notice or on the website. We recommend that you visit this page regularly for the latest information on our privacy practices. Your continued use of products and of website, cell phone and/or any other device-based services will be deemed as your acceptance of the updated Privacy Policy. If we collect additional personal information from you, or if We wish to use or reveal your personal information for a new purpose, We will once again seek your consent.


Do I have to agree to all terms and conditions of third parties?

Our Privacy Policy does not apply to products and services provided by third parties. Petkit Products and services may include third party products and services, as well as links to third-party websites. When you use these products or services, they may also collect your information. Because of this, we strongly urge you to spend time reading the privacy policies of these third parties, just as you have read ours. We do not take any responsibility for the way in which third parties use the personal information they collect from you, nor do we have any control over how they use it. Our Privacy Policy does not apply to other websites whose links can be accessed through our services.


Social media (features) and gadgets

Our app contains some social media features, like "share" buttons. These features may record your IP address and the pages that you have browsed on our site. They may also set cookies that enable functionality and operation. Any interaction that you have with these features is subject to the individual company's Privacy Policy.


Contact us

If you have any questions or feedback regarding this Privacy Policy, or if you have any questions regarding Petkit's collection, use, or disclosure of your personal information, please contact us at

Thank you for taking the time to familiarize yourself with our Privacy Policy!


What's new to you?

We have made several major edits throughout the Privacy Policy as following:
By complying with GDPR and providing better data privacy protection, we updated the relevant content about users' rights under GDPR, and how we process the personal information for Europe Union users. We also described our data privacy management method additionally.