Accessories for PUROBOT MAX PRO

15 products

Trash Bags for PETKIT Cat Litter BoxPETKIT Trash Bags for Automatic Litter Box
Pet Odor Eliminator N60Pet Odor Eliminator N60 for PUROBOT
Pet Odor Eliminator N50 2.0safe Pet Odor Eliminator N50 2.0
The filter screen is suitable for large-granule clumping cat litter like tofu litter. When used together, they effectively clean all the litter in the petkit pura max automatic litter box.The magnetic cat litter remover works with the filter screen to clean all cat litter in the automatic litter box.
High Performance Cat Litter Pad Max for PuraMax2 & Purobot Max ProUpgrade to a leak-proof cat litter box for a mess-free solution for constant clean-ups.
PETKIT PuraMax FencePETKIT Fence for PuraMax
Magnetic Dustproof Curtain 2.0Magnetic Dustproof Curtain 2.0 for petkit litter box
UpgradedSold out
PURAMAX 2 Cylinder MaxUpgraded Cylinder for PURAMAX
Storage Shelf for petkit litter boxStorage Shelf for puramax
Easy-Step Pedal for PUROBOT ULTRAEasy-Step Pedal of PUROBOT ULTRA
NewSave 19%
Clump+ Tofu Mixed Cat Litter - 6 BagsTofu Mixed Cat Litter ratio
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4 bags Flushable Clumping Cat LittersFlushable Clumping mixed Cat Litter
NewSave 30%
3pcs clump+ Tofu Mixed Cat LitterTofu Mixed Cat Litter ratio
Flushable Clumping Cat Litters - 2 Bags5-in-1 mixed Cat Litter
Sold out
Cat Litter Ramp for petkit litter boxCat Litter Ramp for petkit puramax

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